+ B. Richardson & Son
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ B., I.
+ Babb, J. R. (John R.)
+ Babcock, Alpheus
+ Bache, William
+ Badlam, Stephen Sr.
+ Bailey & Co.
+ Bailey & Kitchen
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bailey, Henrietta
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bailly, Joseph Alexis
+ Baker, Jesse
+ Baker, John B.
+ Baker, Mary Frances
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Baker, Sarah
+ Balch, Daniel, Jr.
+ Balch, Daniel, Sr.
+ Balch, Jane Uhann
+ Baldwin, Hannah
+ Baldwin, Huldah Louisa
+ Baldwin, S.S. & S.
+ Baldwin, Stanley S.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Ball, Black & Co.
+ Ball, Thomas, 1819-1911
+ Ball, Tompkins & Black
+ Ball, William, 1729-1810
+ Ball, William, 1763-1815
+ Ballard, William Wallace
+ Baltimore Glass Works
+ Bane, Sarah
+ Barnes, Abigail
+ Barney, Alice Pike
+ Barnhart, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Barns, Blakeslee
+ Barrington & Davenport
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Barry, Joseph B.
+ Barry, Standish
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bartlett, Peter
+ Bartlette, Phila
+ Barton, Eliza
+ Barton, Henry H.
+ Barton, William, 1762-1849
+ Bassett, N. G.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bassett, Nehemiah B.
+ Batchelder Tile Co.
+ Batt, Mary
+ Batten, Nancy
+ Battles, Betsey
+ Baudouine, Charles
+ Bayes, Jessie
+ Bayly, John
+ Baynbergs, Anna
+ Baynes, Thomas Mann
+ Beal, Caleb
+ Beale & Jamison
+ Beard, Duncan
+ Bears, Orlando Hand
+ Bebie, Henry
+ Bechtel, George H.
+ Beck, Abigail Daniel
+ Beck, George
+ Beecher, Julia A.
+ Beecher, Laban S.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bell, John
+ Bell, Peter Jr.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bell, Samuel
+ Bellamy, John Haley
+ Bellows, George, 1882-1925
+ Belt, Charles
+ Belter, John Henry
+ Benedict Art Studio
+ Benedict Manufacturing Company
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bennett, John
+ Bennett, W.J. (William James), 1784-1844
+ Benson, Frank Weston
+ Bentley & Sons
+ Beraidse, Elizabeth
+ Berglund, A.
+ Bernard & Jugiez
+ Bersch, Carl
+ Bertault, George
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Besly, Thauvet
+ Bieber, John
+ Bigelow Brothers & Kennard
+ Bigelow, Kennard & Co.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Billings, William
+ Biloxi Art Pottery
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Binghamton Chair Co.
+ Binney, A.
+ Birch, William Russell
+ Bixler, Christian
+ Blackburn, Joseph
+ Blair Tourograph & Dry Plate Company
+ Blanc, Victor
+ Blauvelt, Peggy
+ Blomfield, Elizabeth Sarah
+ Blunt
+ Blunt, John S.
+ Blunt, Sally
+ Blyth, Benjamin
+ Boardman & Hart
+ Boardman, Langley
+ Boardman, Thomas Danforth
+ Boelen, Henricus
+ Boelen, Jacob
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Boelen, Jacob II
+ Bogert, James
+ Bogert, William
+ Boggs, S.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Boles, Sarah
+ Bonnet, Frank F.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bonnin & Morris
+ Booth, Elijah
+ Bordley, John Beale, 1800-1882
+ Borgholder, Catharina
+ Borland, Rebecca
+ Boston and Sandwich Glass Company
+ Boston China Decorating Works
+ Boudinot, Elias
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Boullt, H.W.
+ Bouvier, Michel
+ Bower, John
+ Bowles, Mary
+ Bowman, Sarah
+ Bowne, Samuel
+ Boyce, Gerardus
+ Boyd, James
+ Boyd, Parks
+ Boyle, Caleb
+ Bradford, Cornelius
+ Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Company
+ Brant, Adam
+ Brauwers, Joseph
+ Breck, Amasa
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Breed, Rebekah
+ Brevoort, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brewster, John Jr.
+ Brigden, Zachariah
+ Briggs, Cornelius
+ Briggs, Eliphalet, 1788-1853
+ Briggs, Joshua
+ Briggs, William D.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brigham, Catharine Jones
+ Bright, Anthony
+ Bright, George
+ Brokaw, Aaron
+ Brokaw, Isaac
+ Brook Farm
+ Brooks, Hervey
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brooks, James
+ Brooks, Thomas
+ Broome, Kirkham & Robinson
+ Brosius, Mahlon
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brouwer, Theophilus Anthony, Jr.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brower, N. B.
+ Brower, Samuel
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brower, Walter S.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brown & Brothers
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brown & Sharp
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brown, Abigail
+ Brown, Esther
+ Brown, Gawen
+ Brown, Hannah
+ Brown, Jacob
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brown, Palmer & Dwight
+ Brown, Sarah Stanley
+ Brown, Thomas G.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brown, Thomas J.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Browne & Seal
+ Bruce, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Brunner, M. M.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bucktrout, Benjamin
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Buel, Abigail
+ Buell, Abel
+ Buffalo Pottery Co.
+ Bugatti, Carlo
+ Bulkley, David
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Bulkley, Joseph
+ Bullard & Scott
+ Bundy, Horace
+ Bunhiensing & Son
+ Burden, Alexander
+ Burden, Joseph
+ Burger, John
+ Burgis, William
+ Burllinggame, Elizabeth
+ Burnap, Daniel
+ Burney, Charles M.
+ Burnham, Abner
+ Burnham, Benjamin
+ Burns & Trainque
+ Burr, William 2nd
+ Burrill, Lydia, Lynn or Salem, Mass.
+ Burrill, Lydia, New Hampshire
+ Burt, Benjamin
+ Burt, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Buss, Silas
+ Butler, McCarty & Co.
+ Byrnes, Thomas