+ C. Dorflinger & Sons
+ Cadmus, Paul
+ Cains, Thomas
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Calder, William
+ Camp, William
+ Campbell, A. Gilchrist
+ Campbell, William L.
+ Camroux, Louisa
+ Canby, Charles, 1792-1883
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cardelli, Pietro
+ Carley, S.
+ Carlile, Hannah
+ Carlile, John Jr.
+ Carlon, Ruthy D.
+ Carlson, David
+ Carlton, Phebe
+ Carpenter, Frederick
+ Carpenter, Joseph
+ Carpenter, Lucy
+ Carr, Alexander
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Carre, Francois A.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Carrig-Rohane
+ Cartwright, T.
+ Carver, Ann
+ Cary, Lewis
+ Casey, Samuel
+ Ceracchi, Giuseppe
+ Ceramic Art Company
+ Cermenati & Bernarda
+ Cermenati & Monfrino
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cermenati, Barnard
+ Chadwick & Frye
+ Chadwick, C. W.
+ Chadwick, Joseph, 1787-1831
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chambers, Mary Simpson
+ Chandlee, Benjamin, Jr.
+ Chandlee, Benjamin, Sr.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chandler, Abiel
+ Chandler, Abiel, 1807-1881
+ Chandler, Theophilus Parsons, Jr.
+ Chandler, Thomas
+ Chandler, Timothy
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chapin School
+ Chapin, Aaron
+ Chapin, Amzi
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chapin, Eliphalet
+ Chapin, Joseph
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Charles Cartlidge & Company
+ Charles, William
+ Charters, Cann, & Dunn
+ Chase, William Merritt
+ Chaudron & Rasch
+ Chaudron, Simon
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chelsea Keramic Art Works
+ Cheney, Benjamin II
+ Cherry, Kathryn
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chicago Crucible Company
+ Childs & Inman
+ Childs & Lehman
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Chitry, Peter
+ Christ, Rudolph
+ Christy, Thomas
+ Churchill, Jesse
+ Churchill, Lemuel
+ Cincinnati Art Academy
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Claggett, William Jr.
+ Clapp, Eliza
+ Clapp, Otis
+ Clark, Daniel, 1768-1826
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Clark, Decius
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Clark, Forbes
+ Clark, J. D.
+ Clark, Joseph, 1774?-1838
+ Clark, Mary Paddock
+ Clark, William C.
+ Clarke, Jonathan
+ Clay, Daniel
+ Clement, Samuel
+ Clewell Metal Art
+ Clews, James and Ralph
+ Clifton Art Pottery
+ Clippinger, George
+ Clouston, Thomas
+ Clure, Rachel M.
+ Coates, Levi
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cobb, Ephraim
+ Codman, William Christmas
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Coen, Daniel
+ Cogswell, John
+ Coit, Job
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Colby, Emily
+ Colby, Molly
+ Cole, Moses Dupre
+ Coleman, Samuel S.
+ Coles, Albert L.
+ Collignon Brothers
+ Collinson & Lock
+ Colson, Ann
+ Combs, Samuel H.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Coney, John
+ Conlon, James
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Connelly - Haines School
+ Connelly, Henry
+ Connor, John H.
+ Conrad Bard & Son
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Conrad Haidle & Company
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Conrad, A.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Conrad, Alexander
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cook & Parkin
+ Cook, Abigail K.
+ Cook, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cook, John C. & Charles
+ Cook, John, Jr.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cooke, George
+ Cooley, Levi Jr.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cooper & Fisher
+ Cooper, Francis W.
+ Cope, George
+ Copeland, Susanna B.
+ Copley, John Singleton
+ Cornelius & Co.
+ Corner, Thomas Cromwell, 1865-1938
+ Coulter, Mary Jane
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Coulter, Maud S.
+ Courtenay, Hercules
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Coverly, Thomas
+ Cowan Pottery
+ Cowell, William, 1682-1736
+ Cox, J. and I.
+ Cox, Whiteman & Cox
+ Coxon, Charles
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Craftsman Studio
+ Cran, Jean Dick
+ Crawford, Hellen
+ Crawford, John
+ Crawford, Thomas
+ Cremer, Joseph
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Crocker, John Denison
+ Crolius, Clarkson
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Crook, Jabez
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Crook, Russell G.
+ Crosby, Samuel T.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Cross, Ann
+ Crosse, Richard
+ Crow, George
+ Crow, George Jr.
+ Crow, Thomas
+ Cummens, William Sr.
+ Cunningham, James S.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Currier & Ives
+ Currier & Roby
+ Curry, John
+ Curtis, Edward S.
+ Curtis, Eliza B.
+ Curtis, Lewis
+ Cuyler, Abraham, 1713-1749