+ H. Kennedy & Sons
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ H., C.
+ H., W.
+ H.K.K. and Company
+ Haberle, John
+ Haddock, Lincoln & Foss
+ Hagen, Ernest F.
+ Hagget, Amos
+ Haidt, John Valentine
+ Haines & Holmes
+ Haines, Ephraim
+ Hains, Adam
+ Haley, John G.
+ Hall, Oliver
+ Haller, Jacob
+ Hallwig, Oscar
+ Halsey, Mary
+ Halsted, Benjamin
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hamilton & Diesinger
+ Hamilton Tile Works
+ Hamlin, Samuel
+ Hamlin, Samuel E.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hammatt, Nathaniel
+ Hammersley, Thomas
+ Hampshire Pottery Company
+ Hancock, Nathaniel
+ Hancock, William
+ Hansell, James
+ Hansen, Sarah H.
+ Hanson, Stephen, Jr.
+ Harbeson, Benjamin, 1763-1824
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Harbeson, Benjamin, d. 1809
+ Hargest, Mary
+ Harland, Thomas
+ Harper, Elizabeth
+ Harrington, Clarissa
+ Harris, Stanwood & Company
+ Harrison, Joseph
+ Harrod, Phoebe
+ Hartshorne, Mary Ann
+ Hartwick, George Gunther
+ Harvey, Mary Ann
+ Harvey, Sarah H.
+ Haskell, Nathan
+ Hastier, John
+ Hathaway, Rufus
+ Hatheway, Gilbert
+ Havell, Robert, 1793-1878
+ Haviland & Company
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hay, Catharine
+ Hayward, Thomas Cotton
+ Hazeltine, Joseph
+ Hazen, Jesse
+ Hazen, Nathan L.
+ Head, Jas.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Head, Jesse (Rev.)
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Head, John
+ Head, Richard
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Head, Samuel
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Head, Thomas Edward
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Heard, Christania
+ Hedges, Stephen
+ Heilig, Hendrick
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Heiss & Justice
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Heiss, William, ca. 1784-1846
+ Heiss, William, ca. 1812-1858
+ Henchman, Daniel, 1730-1775
+ Hendel, George
+ Henderson, John H.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Henderson, William
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Henkel, Charles
+ Henkels, George J.
+ Hennegan, Bates & Co.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hennessy, Edward
+ Henri, Pierre
+ Henry I. Seymour Chair Manufactory
+ Henry N. Hooper & Company
+ Henry, John
+ Henzey, Joseph
+ Heritage, Martha
+ Herman Miller Furniture Company
+ Herrings & Farrel
+ Herrmann, Peter
+ Herter Brothers
+ Herter, Gustave
+ Herts & Tallant
+ Herts Brothers
+ Hesselius, Gustavus, 1682-1755
+ Hesselius, John, 1728-1778
+ Heyer, William B.
+ Heywood & Morrill Rattan Company
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Heywood Brothers & Company
+ Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Company
+ Heywood Chair Manufacturing Company
+ Heywood-Wakefield Company
+ Hibbard, Ester
+ Hicks, Edward
+ Hidley, Joseph H.
+ Higbee, Abagail
+ Hildreth, Sarah T.
+ Hilfinger, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hill, John
+ Hill, John B.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hill, John F.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hill, John William
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hill, Samuel
+ Himmel, Adolphe
+ Hinckley, Elizabeth Bass
+ Hitchcock, Alford & Co.
+ Hobe, Charles F.
+ Hodgdon, Mary L.
+ Hoff, George
+ Holland, John
+ Hollingshead, Beulah W.
+ Holmes, Edward
+ Holmes, S.
+ Holmes, William H.
+ Holzhauser, F.
+ Homes, William, 1717-1783
+ Hone, Nathaniel
+ Hook, William
+ Hooker, Ann Mary
+ Hootons, Martha C.
+ Hoover, Elizabeth
+ Hope, James
+ Hopkins, I.
+ Hopper, Henry
+ Horn, Martha B.
+ Hosmer
+ Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue
+ Houlton, Otto & Falk
+ Housel, J. K.
+ How, Bates
+ Howard & Co.
+ Howard, Thomas, 1774-1833
+ Howe, John
+ Howell, Nathan
+ Howell, Philipine M.
+ Howes, Samuel H.
+ Hoyt, Barnard
+ Hubard, William James
+ Hubley, George W.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hudson, William
+ Huebner, George
+ Hull & Sanderson
+ Hull, John
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hullmandel, Charles Joseph, 1789-1850
+ Humphreys, Richard
+ Huntington, Felix
+ Hunzinger, George Jacob
+ Hurd, Jacob
+ Hurd, Nathaniel
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Hurlbert, S.M.
+ Huston, William
+ Hutchings, Edward Whitehead
+ Hyde & Goodrich
- There are no objects in the database for this maker