+ L. & J.G. Stickley Inc.
+ L., J.
+ Ladd, William F.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Ladomus, Jacob
+ Laforme & Brother
+ Laforme, Vincent
+ Lakeman, Ebenezer Knowlton
+ Lalance and Grosjean Manufacturing Co. (New York, N.Y.)
+ Lamar, Benjamin
+ Lambdin, James Reid, 1807-1889
+ Lambert, John
+ Lane & Billing
+ Lane & Croome
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lane, Aaron
+ Lannuier, Charles Honore
+ Larkum, Margaret
+ Lasselles, J.
+ Latrobe, John Hazelhurst Boneval
+ Laty, Michael
+ Laurent, Jean-Baptiste & Comballe, Charles
+ Lawrence, Charles B.
+ Leach, Caleb
+ Leach, Rebecca
+ Leacock, John
+ Lebolt & Co.
+ Lee & Fricker
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lee, William
+ Lehman & Duval
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lehman, George, ca. 1800-1870
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lehn, Joseph
+ Lenox China
+ Leonard, Anna B.
+ Leonard, Reed & Barton
+ LeRoux, Bartholomew I
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ LeRoux, Bartholomew II
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ LeRoux, Charles
+ LeRoux, John
+ Leslie, Charles Robert
+ Leslie, Robert
+ Letchworth, John
+ Letelier, John Sr.
+ Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb
+ Levi and Abel Hutchins
+ Lewinski, Thomas (Major)
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lewis Veron & Co.
+ Lewis, Caroline
+ Lewis, Frances Alvira
+ Lewis, Harvey
+ Lewis, Samuel
+ Libbey, Isaac
+ Libby, Frank (Alfred Colony, Shakers)
+ Libby, Isaac
+ Lienau, Detlef
+ Lincoln & Foss
+ Lincoln & Reed
+ Lincoln, James Sullivan
+ Lincoln, Mariah
+ Lindeman, Charles A.
+ Linden Hall (Lititz, Pa.)
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Linfield, Martin
+ Lippincott, Josephine
+ Little, Abigail
+ Lloyd, William
+ Lombard, Elizabeth Paine
+ Loomis, Samuel, 1748-1814
+ Lord & Goddard
+ Lord & Smith
+ Lord, Jabez C.
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lord, Philip
+ Loring, John T
+ Loring, Joseph
+ Lothrop, Stillman
+ Lovett, Lydia
+ Lovett, Robert, Jr.
+ Lowell Pottery
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lower, Abraham
+ Lownes, Edward
+ Lownes, Joseph
+ Lows, Ball & Company
+ Lucas, Aaron T.
+ Luce, Maria P.
+ Lukens, Isaiah
+ Lunt, Sarah
+ Lupp, Henry
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lyman & Clark Pottery
- There are no objects in the database for this maker
+ Lyman, Fenton & Company
+ Lyman, Thomas
+ Lynch, John
+ Lyne, John
+ Lyng, John Burt